Catherine Stine's IDEA CITY

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Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for Bottom Line in the A to Z Challenge

Let me start by saying that I've settled on a theme for the A to Z challenge. I'm writing posts on The Creative Life-anything about writing and art, and how to live as fruitfully as possible as a creative being, not always simple in the world of commerce, competition and fast paced-moves.

Now for B! The first thing that popped up for me (repeatedly) when I thought of B is the phrase Bottom Line. The dictionary defines it as 1. The essential or salient point, 2. A line at the bottom of a financial statement that shows the net profit or loss. 3. The most important consideration.

In considering a truly creative life, here is my bottom line:
Live by my intuition... if it feels right, go for it, no matter my anxiety. If it feels wrong, don't do it, even if the choice seems glittery and golden.
I have followed my intuition in editing a manuscript and sensing when it's done, in choosing an agent, in choosing a gallery, in using or not using manuscript critique suggestions, in choosing friends, even in buying a car or a piece of real estate. If an artist or writer cannot trust his or her intuition, he's working without a rudder.
The medieval cups are symbolic of intuition

To help me in this path, I often meditate before I face an onerous decision, or if I find myself unsure and waffling. This always helps. I might find that my gut is saying wait, you're not ready to make that decision, or it might tell me get on that phone now and stop procrastinating!

In your creative life, what's your bottom line?


  1. Intuition, I like it! I do go on gut feeling a lot. I think there's a lot to be said for it.

  2. Sounds great to me. I often rely on my gut instinct, so I can relate!

  3. I'm definitely an analytical sort of person. I need to see all my options laid out in an easy to read format. I find I sleep better at night when my choices are made this way.
    I wish I was more capable of going with my gut. It would make decisions a lot easier!

  4. Bottom line: Well, there are two. In the spirit of A-Z, A: SIT DOWN AND DO THE WORK. B: Respectfully acknowledge the voices that tell me I'm worthless as a writer, feel the feelings they generate, and turn to something that feeds me as a writer...these things are too many to name, but they include reading encouraging blogs :-)

  5. I like this definition of bottom line, Catherine,: The most important consideration.

    I believe intuition can help us define our bottom line too. It also helps us steer ourselves to follow our heart - and that's a strong rudder.

  6. And the reason for B (above) is that those voices can play havoc with my intuition. And intuition is indeed key.

  7. My bottom line: If it ain't fun, don't do it!

  8. These are certainly words to live by! I guess my bottom line would be exume my confidence. I know it's down in there somewhere and I vow to find it!

    You are truely an inspiration Catherine!

  9. If it feels right, go for it. I'm trying to live this way more often and by extension beat my anxiety.


  10. Bottom line? Great thoughts, Catherine. I guess I think about consequences too much. If I do such and such what will be the result?

  11. Aw, Allison, you'll find it again. Yes, Lee, I'm on the lookout for more fun in my life too!

  12. My intuition: Write and edit later! Just enjoy writing.

    Going with your gut is a great idea!

  13. I like the idea of trusting intuition. There's a reason we have it, we just need to listen!

  14. Yes, Adrianne, good point. It's there for a reason.

  15. Following your intuition is the best advice.
    Glad to meet you #672. I love it that you gave your number. I looked up mine again. I'm #347.
    Love the challenge of blogging from A to Z!

  16. It is important to have a bottom line, and I like Lee's idea! Nice to meet you through A to Z! Julie

  17. Bottom line so often conjures hard rational thought. All the more reason to appreciate your out-of-the-box intuitive approach. Where would we be without it?

  18. That's a great philosophy, for a great B term!

  19. It doesn't take intuition to know truth when I hear it! This is a perfect post, and one that could not have been more perfectly timed. But I need not even say it, you already knew...
