Catherine Stine's IDEA CITY

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q is for Queens--Which one of These Fits Your Inner Queen?

Today for A to Z it's the letter Q. It's a natural for the word QUEEN. So many fun literary queens come to mind! The question is, which one fits your inner-queen for the day?

Evil Queen in Snow White

Mary, Queen of Scotts

Queen Nzinga of Angola

The Red Queen

Queen Elizabeth

Drag Queen

Toy Queen

Queen Bee

Crowned kid


  1. Definitely Queen! I love to sing. I actually have a video somewhere of me singing Bohemian Rhapsody in a barbershop quartet. Hmmm...I might need to find that. :)

  2. Got to love to hate the evil queen in Snow White.

  3. It's gotta be Mary Queen of Scots! I used to live in the UK and I'm a huge Anglophile.

  4. Perfect Q day post! Loved all the different queens.

  5. Thanks, you guys. I'm kind of liking Queen Nzinga-I mean what a name! And you've gotta love that crown!

  6. Does Ellery Queen count? If not, I do crank the volume when Bohemian Rhapsody is playing.

  7. Ellery Queen, sure why not! I also forgot Queen Latifa.

  8. This is fun! I would have to say Queen Elizabeth as none of the others fit me. My middle name is Elizabeth, so it works out!

  9. And the winner is...Crowned Kid! Yes, I spent the day with my son today since my prince is sick. Love this.

  10. Love Queen! I can listen to Freddie sing all day.

    I am trying to read all the A to Z blogs, but coming back to the ones I really like.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do all month!

    The Other Side
    The Freedom of Nonbelief

  11. So many choices. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. :)

  12. Love your "Q" post, Catherine! I'd have to openly admit, the beastly queen from Snow White fits my inner queen. Sometimes, I'm such a grumbler inside, and smiling on the outside! Yikes. Does that make me a witch or what?!

  13. Candy, I think what it makes you is honest! We are all have inner witches at some points in the day, week, year. Timothy, thanks for the nice words. Mina, I hope your crowned kid feels better tomorrow. I'm sure he loved all of your attention. Christine, ah, so you have an inner upper-crust!

  14. Okay, I would love to be RuPaul even for just a day. So much confidence and self-love there!

  15. What a fun post?! I think I rotate through them all in one given month. lol But for right now, I'm embodying the group Queen!

    Eat Live Move: Intuitive Eating from A to Z

  16. OMG, I love this post! So cute! I'm not sure my inner queen is on that list, because I'm pretty sure I'm actually She-Ra Princess of Power!

    - Liz

  17. I kind of like the idea of being the Evil Queen bwa ha ha.....
    thanks so much for dropping in on thefeatherednest
