Blind Man's Bluff by Racey Helps |
Tag Party, I’m IT. See who's IT next!
The Tag rules
You must post the rules.
Answer the questions and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
Tag 11 people and link to them.
Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Katrina’s questions for me:
If you could be a book character, who would it be?
I'd be Pippi Longstocking. She had mad fun!
I want wings, a killer outfit and psychic abilities.
Do you prefer illustrated or non-illustrated novels?
Illustrated! I'm so happy that YA is trending that way.
Fantasy or science fiction?
I like soft sci-fi (non-gadget & tech-heavy), and psychological sci-fi
Can you write in a noisy environment, or does it have to be quiet?
To write, it has to be quiet. When I draw, I need music.
How many books can you read in a day?
In a day? Are you kidding? Maybe half, if I'm hooked on it.
Favorite author?
One? How can I pare it down?! Cherie Priest maybe. Orwell.
Favorite Illustrators?
Gustave Dore, Jay Montgomery, Racey Helps (image above).
Middle grade or YA novels?
I read more YA than MG, but I've read some really cool MGs.
Who is the one person in the world (dead or alive you’d want to meet?
Anton Chekhov
One place in the world you wish you could go?
Okay, now I tag YOU, you're IT!!! While I'm at it, I also award you Versatile Blog Awards, as C. Lee McKenzie over at Write Game did to me. These are all fascinating writers and bloggers, many of whom I am newly following, and who deserve a look!
My questions for the TAG Players I Chose:
1. What was your favorite novel you read in 2011?
2. Your favorite all-time book? (Can be any genre or age level)
3. What book character would you like to party with?
4. Do you ever watch TV to study plot format? If so, which show?
5. Where was the strangest source you ever got a plot idea from?
6. Funniest character in a novel? Why?
7. Which actor/actress would you want to play the lead in your novel?
8. Most sympathetic fictional villain?
9. Do you prefer fantasy, sci-fi, realistic fiction or a blend. Why?
10. What place and time would most inspire you to write an historical fiction?
11. Finish this YA dialog line: “I’ve never told a friend this before, but…”
Have fun with these, and pick up this badge too.