Catherine Stine's IDEA CITY

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Heart in a Box on Tour, plus the story behind the story

Heart in a Box is on Tour with Chapter by Chapter! Below are all of the stops. There are guest posts, playlists, interviews and other fun things, including a giant Rafflecopter full of prizes! As always, the links will go live as the blogs post. I'm proud and grateful to say that Heart in a Box has been on the Amazon top 100 in Teen and Alternative Family for four + weeks and is also an Amazon "Hot New Release." FYI, buy links are on the right side of this blog.

A bit about Heart in a Box's journey...
One main theme is that the girl, Joss has a pot-addled mom who owns a bong shop. I first took this to an editor in 2005. She swiftly rejected it, saying, "Who would want to read about a mom who smokes weed all of the time?" Well, apparently MANY teens want to read about alcoholic parents, and families in crisis, right? This is simply a new permutation. Perhaps its time has come, what with the legalization of pot in so many states. Of course, many folks do need medical marijuana and I'm not morally against it at all. I'm a believer in freedom to live how you see fit. But I worry about what this will unleash for certain vulnerable people. So, this aspect of the story is really about how one negotiates with a tormented family member and still tries to stay close.

Heart in a Box is also about identity, art, and all of the inherent beauty in New York City and Brooklyn's diverse cultural scene. It's hopeful and peppery and also has a sweet romance. If you decide to take a chance on it, I hope you love it as much as I did when I created it--and Joss Olstad.

Enter the Rafflecopter below. The prizes include: 
A $40 gift card, 2 hand-painted heart-boxes with secret treasure inside, a signed paperback of Dorianna by Catherine Stine, a signed paperback of Heart in a Box by Catherine Stine, a great YA ebook pack of novels: Tiger Lily by Wende Dikec, When Sorrows Come by Katie M John, and Time Runs Away with Her by Christine Potter.

Week One

January 18            Cover2CoverInterview
January 18            Njkinny's Review of Books & StuffReview
January 18            Illuminite CaliginosusDream cast
January 18         Susan Heim on WritingSpotlight/Promo
January 19            The Avid Book CollectorTen writing lessons learned!
January 19            Painted Words ReviewsReview         
January 20            Hidden Worlds Booksmini-excerpts & feature
January 20            M Pax Dimensions in Fiction- Heart Excerpt plus M Pax's critter love
January 20            Driftless – Spotlight/Promo
January 21            Diana’s Book ReviewsGuest post on Why Readers Rule!
January 21            Cassandra M’s PlaceSpotlight/Promo
January 21            5 Girls Book ReviewsReview
January 21            Reader GirlsSpotlight/Excerpt       
January 21            Ogitchida Kwe’s Book BlogSpotlight/Promo/Excerpts
January 22            WS Momma Readers NookJoss Olstad character spotlight
January 22            Go Read A BookReview

Week Two
January 25            A Dream Within A DreamSpotlight/Excerpt
January 25           Books and LaddersGuest Post - Why I Write
January 25            The Page Unbound – Spotlight
January 26            Book-KeepingReview
January 26            Chapter by Chapter - Interview
January 27            Wishful EndingsSpotlight/Excerpt
January 27            Ellie GarrattGuest Post
January 27            BooksChatterInterview
January 28            Booklovercircumspect4Guest Post - 5 Influential Books
January 29            Star Crossed ReviewsNew Excerpts!
January 29            Lisa T. Cresswell Guest Post on personal themes & inspirations
January 29            Becca’s Book Affair Review
January 29            Books DirectReview



  1. That's a very solid tour! Have fun and sell a lot of books.

  2. You're one busy writer! Great job, Catherine.

  3. Thank you so much for the giveaway :)

  4. I hope your blog tour is going smoothly! :-)

  5. Woot woot, Catherine! This sounds like such an amazing story!

  6. Lots of awesome stops! Hope all is going great!

  7. Congrats on the new release. Have fun with the tour.

  8. Congrats, Catherine! I hope the tour goes well!

  9. I ran across the blog tour a couple places, and the book looks phenomenal. Way to go!

    1. Thanks, Crystal! This book is very close to my heart.

    2. Thanks, Crystal! This book is very close to my heart.

  10. I also ran across the blog posts in a few places and love the look of the book.

  11. Great tour! Great giveaway and YOUR COVERS ARE BEAUTIFUL <3 <3

  12. Congrats on the new novel! How exciting. The plot is exciting too. I'll have to read this.
