Pippi Longstocking |
Franz Kafka |
In the
A to Z Challenge it's E day.
E is for eccentric characters. They are almost always more interesting than the bland, perfect heroes and heroines. Who do you remember most from Peter Pan? For me, it's Captain Hook. He's murderous yet cowardly, and terrified of the croc who is constantly after him. Consider Pippi Longstocking, a highly unusual little girl with stick-out red braids. She lives all alone, has the "strength of ten policemen", hangs out with a monkey and her main possession is a suitcase full of gold coins!
Sherlock Holmes |
Or take Sherlock Holmes, a brash, even rude genius, who can't quite figure out a love relationship, is a violin virtuoso and is prone to fits of despair.
Disney's Captain Hook |
Kafka's extreme performance artist in his short story "The Hunger Artist" is so devoted to fasting that he lives in a cage for days, weak and crouching. Perfecting his art would mean fasting to death. Now that's an odd and macabre kind of eccentric.
Who is your favorite literary eccentric? The creepiest one? The most charismatic or mysterious?
I'm not sure if you've read Shantaram, but the protaganist has this really lovable, zany friend in India called Prabaker and he always says the funniest things. This character, in a way, actually made me fall in love with India (or at least the idea of India that is presented in this book).
ReplyDeleteMelch, how very cool! Now I must check out Shantarum.
ReplyDeleteOne of the creepiest characters which sticks out in my mind is the 'other mother' in Neil Gaiman's Coraline. With her button eyes. Something about those button eyes was truly shiver inducing.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, that other mother really spooked me, which is not easy to do!
ReplyDeleteI love eccentric characters! I think I would point out Luna, from Harry Potter as my favorite (though those books have several eccentrics--Dumbledore, Trelawney, Tonks, Moody).
ReplyDeleteOr in Hunger Games--Haymich.
They always add so much color to books, and even a dark book, can add some humor.
Just as in life, the eccentric are just more fun! The first book character to pop into my head is Roland from Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Thanks for stopping by my blog, good luck with the A to Z challenge!
ReplyDelete-MJ http://creativelyspiltink.blogspot.com/
Boo Radley (TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD). He was like a ghost until you were finally allowed a glimpse of his POV.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Milton and Lennie Small (OF MICE AND MEN). ...not guys like them.
Thanks for the advice on spec fiction. I'm changing the query at least.
Hi, Catherine! My all-time favorite literary character is L.M. Montgomery's Anne Shirley. I wanted to be her when I was young! Now I want to write characters that are as versatile and unique and flawed and perfect as she is. One of my favorite villains is Flagg from The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King.
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you and happy A to Z!!
anne shirley comes to my mind also----loved her---interesting post
ReplyDeleteSomehow Cruella de Vil just popped into my head . . . . Must be a (creepy) reason. Though Pippi Longstocking is an all-time favorite eccentric of mine.
ReplyDeleteCruela de Ville good one; and it's funny, Kelly, I almost posted about Boo Radley. Some of the other faves you guys mentioned are ones that I have yet to discover (like Flagg & Anne Shirley), so thanks! As Hart pointed out, weird characters provide much needed humor as well. Bring 'em on!
ReplyDeletePippi! I loved her as a kid. I wanted to put brushes on my feet and skate around on the floors!
ReplyDeleteThis was a super awesome idea for E. I LOVE the characters you picked. My favorite would have to be Miss. Havisham from Great Expectations.
ReplyDeleteI love eccentric characters - one of my favorite is Scout from "To Kill a Mockingbird". She has such a unique outlook on life and I love Boo Radley's character. :) Captain Hook really is a good choice, I've never really thought about the murderous man that screams like a girl around crocodiles. It's a little funny. :)
ReplyDeleteI have a soft spot for romance novels and, in a recent one I read, the hero had a huge problem with stuttering. He is one of my all time favorites.
ReplyDeleteAtoZChallenge Dragondreamer's Lair
You guys rock! Of course, Scout from TKAM & Miss Havisham from GE. And a stuttering hero is always more relatable. I mean, remember all of the accolades for The King's Speech? Yeah, keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteThe character in my CP's WIP is a favorite. Of course, she just got killed but she was a blast to read about. :D
ReplyDeleteMy Blog
Haha, Jaycee, a blast to read about until she croaked. Good one.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has such great choices. LOVE Captain Hook, Anne Shirley, LOVE!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to add WIllie Wonka! He was great.
Pippi! And Miss Havisham, Beetlejuice, Jack Skellington, Old Saucepan Man (from Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree series) ... I love these eccentric characters.
ReplyDeleteI like Willy WOnka and Luna Lovegood. I'm actually writing an eccentric character right now, and it's insanely tough. Props to any author who does it well!
ReplyDeleteI love eccentric characters! My favorites are Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, Luna Lovegood, and Jack Sparrow.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely loved Pippy growing up and had the pleasure of getting reacquainted with her now that my niece and nephew are watching her movies. How sad is it that I have only watched, never read any of her stories!